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Child Safe Standards course for NSW Councils

Is your Council currently mapping out legislation-driven training requirements for Child Safe Standards and Reportable Conduct Scheme in 2024? It may still be early days for you, or perhaps you may be currently working on an internal solution in consultation with your own SMEs. 

Whichever stage of the process you are currently at, we believe this update will still be of immense value.

Since January 2021, Global Vision has been liaising with multiple Councils across the state in NSW, strategically coordinating our efforts to release a Council-specific and fit for purpose training solution to Child Safe Standards in line with guidelines provided by the Office of the Children’s Guardian. The eLearn has been looked over by legal teams and SMEs internal to Councils to ensure that it meets all legislation-driven training obligations for Councils.

Worth noting that in Victoria, Global Vision’s LGPro-sponsored CSS course is so popular that 34 Victorian Councils use this course to deliver mandatory annual training around CSS and reportable conduct scheme.

We’ve rolled out a state-wide LG-specific CSS course exclusively for NSW Councils, and what truly makes this particular eLearn unique is the sheer amount of Local Government subject matter expertise which went into creating it. 

Not only have we worked with our internal subject matter experts, but Global Vision has also coordinated joint projects with SMEs at NSW Councils during the development of this project.

A collaborative partnership with LGPro

LGPro Online Learning is a partnership between LGPro and Global Vision Media (Global Vision). By working together, LGPro provides expertise in learning and development in the Local Government sector while Global Vision brings over 25 years’ experience in the development & management of eLearning. 

Together we have created a catalogue of online learning courses specifically for the Local Government sector in Victoria. Our catalogue includes a suite of Compliance courses, Child Safe Standards, an Induction module, Enforcement training, and more.

Currently, over 50 Councils across VIC and NSW use Global Vision’s LGPro Online Learning courses and/or our LG-specific LMS.

Our program focuses on:

  1. Sector-specific content: Local Government terminology, case studies, and scenarios
  2. Engaging & Interactive: including line-drawing animation videos, live action video scenarios, and more
  3. Transparent, single-price costing
  4. FREE customisation of text and images
  5. FREE ability to insert policy document links
  6. Superior customer support: Global Vision support team is based in Melbourne and Sydney

Our NSW CSS Course topics include:

  1. Child Safety Standards 
  2. Reportable Conduct Scheme
  3. Council’s responsibilities
  4. Law reforms
  5. Recognising Child Abuse
  6. Employee responsibilities
  7. Reporting processes
  8. Council responsibilities (Separate to commitment statement)
  9. Final Assessment
  10. All centered on Council-based environments & scenarios

Other FAQs: 

  1. How long will the course take to complete? Learners take, on average, 45 minutes to complete the course
  2. Can I make changes to the course that reflect our organisational needs? Yes, customisation of texts, scenarios, images, policy documents and links to procedures are included in the price
  3. How quickly can we have this on our system? Global Vision can upload this course to your LMS within 5 days once customisations are approved. If you currently do not have an LMS, we offer a free-hosting option on our LMS. 

Our Local Government course catalogue also includes:

  • Compliance Suite (5 courses): Workplace Health and Safety, Workplace Bullying and Harassment, Information Privacy, Equal Employment Opportunity and Fraud and Corruption Awareness
  • Induction module: A fully customisable induction course- by using our course framework and Council’s content we will create a one-of-a-kind Induction module. This course is designed to introduce all council members to the: Organisation – policies, procedures, resources, values, culture and Community – local demographic, community centres, and more
  • Enforcement: Created to develop and support improved quality and consistency of all the various forms of enforcement by the sector.
  • NSW Code of Conduct
  • Modern Slavery Act

Organising a free demo to review the course

Organising a free demo to review the course

If you wish to find out a bit more about this course or organise a free demo to review the content, please contact our NSW Local Government Liaison officer, Charmaine Commane at or feel free to call her any time on 0424 620 246.

About the author

Picture of Peter Hawkins

Peter Hawkins

Peter is one of Australia’s foremost learning technology and data analytics experts. Originally a maths/science teacher and data analysis researcher, Peter’s work in learning technology dates from the early 1990s when he was asked to assist UNESCO to implement remote learning in Africa. He established the first learning technology system for Monash University during his period as an academic in information technology. Peter's company, Global Vision, was the first to provide LMS services in Australia and now provides a range of learning technologies to organisations nationally, both government and non-government. Peter is a regular contributor to Australia’s xAPI community and is the founder of Australia’s xAPI Trailblazers Group.
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